Hey sister, can I tell
you the
Hey sister, can I tell
you the
Hey sister, can I tell
you the
Hey sister, can I tell
you the
Hey sister, can I tell
you the
Hello there!
This Support Group has been created to bring together women of all backgrounds into one purpose; to be GREAT!
3 private group coaching sessions via FB
-a copy of Brene Brown's Book Daring Greatly
-21 days of dares to be great
-group support
-laughs and A LOT of self-love
oh there YOU are | yoga + wellness co.
Hey there! I'm stoked
you're here...
I’m Sammy- a wife, mama and founder of oh there YOU are. Life has dealt me a fair share of trauma, but I've learned those events do have to have crippling power over my current state. I can have and hold happy NOW, no matter the circumstances around me.
I believe:
stress can be managed, avoided + put to use
mindset, movement, breathwork, meditation + mama nature are our most powerful allies
emotional intelligence (EQ) is more valuable than IQ
if you're not having fun, some things may need to shift
if mama ain’t happy, ain’t no body happy
in taking care of ourselves so we can best take care of our families
a paradigm shift from surviving to thriving is the difference between can’t and can.
in hope, healing, and simplicity
nutrition goes beyond our plate
in YOU
Ready to explore what living life on purpose can do for YOU?