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hair tissue mineral  analysis


Feeling "off" but your tests came back "within normal range"?


You've come to think this may all be in your head?


Constantly thinking, "what's wrong with me?"


Hey sister, I'm glad you're here...


I believe you.

I see you.

I hear you.

I was you. 


Listen, there is some truth to this being in your head. It's poor programming + it's not your fault. 


Good news is... I've learned to rewire the programming that's keeping you stuck + YES, there IS something we can do! With a targeted Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) we can actually go deeper + see where your body is asking (crying) for support! 


When the body's needs are met (at the cellular level) it can more fully show up in ways you're asking it to! #momlife really CAN be the good life when we're NOT burned out! 


Why Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis?​

Not only does HTMA provide a wide range of knowledge about blood sugar, digestion, stress, heavy metals, thyroid and adrenal function, detoxification pathways, hormones and more, but it can pick up on stress depleted mineral levels  (like magnesium) that can often go undetected on a blood panel. Or, show that thyroid was fine, but missed the mark that your cell has decreased permeability, making it diffiuclt for thyroid hormone to get in the cell where it is able to be utilized. Not to mention, it's also the most affordable functional lab out there. Using HTMA allows us to truly target root cause and create bio-individual rituals + routines. 

When interpreted properly, hair analysis can answer extremely valuable questions in regards to our stress management. Here are a few examples:


  • ​Are you lacking minerals that are needed to produce energy? Minerals such as magnesium, selenium, manganese, copper, zinc, and others are required in critical steps of the body’s energy cycles

  • ​Adrenal performance. Adrenal insufficiency refers to the inadequate production of adrenal hormones (aldosterone, cortisol, etc.). When adrenal hormone production is low, chronic fatigue and exhaustion are common. Since the adrenal hormones have powerful effects on your mineral levels, hair analysis can assess the adrenal glands from several angles. It is probably the most reliable test for adrenal insufficiency, a common condition today + one I am very familiar with personally.

  • ​How is stress affecting your health? Excessive stress from stimulant use, fast-paced lifestyles, worry, lack of rest, nutritional depletion, and other factors activates the sympathetic nervous system, also known as the fight or flight response. Over-stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system prevents adequate regeneration of the body and eventually leads to burnout. Hair analysis can show you if you’re stuck in fight or flight, and the impact it is having on your health.

​The Hair Analysis Process

Getting started is easy. All we need is a few snips of hair taken from your scalp. And don’t worry, I’ll show you how to do it without notice. 

1-  Order: Choose a hair analysis package (from the options below) that works for you + I'll be in touch to complete registration. 

2- Send: Use the at-home hair collection kit (I provide you) to send your hair sample to the hair analysis laboratory.

3- Discover: Receive your test results in 10-14 days. With hair analysis, you'll have a clear path forward for optimizing your overall health. While you are awaiting results, Basic members can endulge in our library of free lifestyle trainings HERE. VIP members will have library access along with my signature stress management course - The Anchor Method. The movement, breathwork + meditations will nourish the body to be that much more open + receiving to our targeted care.

The following are packages I provide: 

*Services are currently offered within the United States 


BASIC + Consult $497 


  • 30 Minute Health History + Intake Consultation 

  • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

  • 1 Hour HTMA Results Reading + Bio Individual Recommendations 

  • $297 Family Member (spouse or child 17 years of age or under) 

VIP + 12 Week 1:1 $2297


  • 30 Minute Health History + Intake Consultation 

  • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

  • The Anchor Method Lifestyle Course

  • 1 Hour HTMA Results Reading + Bio Individual Recommendations

  • Specific dietary guidelines for your metabolic type

  • Targeted nutritional supplements, designed to restore balance 

  • Lifestyle recommendations for weight loss, rest, sleep, exercise, stress reduction + more

  • Instructions for home-based detoxification and healing procedures

  • 12 Week 1:1 Coaching 

  • 12 Week Re-Test 

  • $297 Family Member  (spouse or child 17 years of age or under) 


Please Email Inquiries To: 

Serving Licenced and Certified Health and Wellness Providers, Instructors, Coaches + Trainers

  • 30 Minute Health History + Intake Consultation 

  • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

  • 1 Hour HTMA Results Reading + Bio Individual Recommendations 

  • 30 Minute Mentoring "How HTMA Can Enhance Client Results" 

  • 30 Minute Mentoring "How to Tailor Clients Services After HTMA"

  • Custom Client Support Brochure for Office or Gym Use 

  • Discounted Client Services

*Client + Family Member Service Includes: 30 Minute Health History + Intake Consultation, Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, 1 Hour HTMA Results Reading + Bio Individual Recommendations

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