Hey sister, can I tell
you the
Hey sister, can I tell
you the
Hey sister, can I tell
you the
Hey sister, can I tell
you the
Hey sister, can I tell
you the
Hello there!
This Support Group has been created to bring together women of all backgrounds into one purpose; to be GREAT!
3 private group coaching sessions via FB
-a copy of Brene Brown's Book Daring Greatly
-21 days of dares to be great
-group support
-laughs and A LOT of self-love
oh there YOU are | yoga + wellness co.
Welcome to The Clean Sweep!
You have more natural energy and strength when your environment, personal health, and relationships are in tip-top shape. The Clean Sweep 30 Day Revival will guide you through improving your life by cleaning out the junk and making room for greatness!
We will focus on 3 main areas:
Environment (Home)
Personal Health (Mental + Physical Cleansing & Strengthening)
Relationships (Communication + Love Language)
There will be daily challenges and motivation + weekly check-ins and PRIZE drawings for participants!
Reserve your spot by sending me a shout out!